Saturday, April 3, 2010

Modern World, I'm Not Pleased to Meet You

Let it be no secret that I'm obsessed or at least curious with all things Dan Boeckner, Spencer Krug, and Dante DeCaro, who consistently take music in new and untapped directions. Among them in all their side-projects and amalgamations are the bands: Wolf Parade, Sunset Rubdown, Handsome Furs, Swan Lake, Frog Eyes, Johnny and the Moon, and Fifths of Seven, all of which--mind you--are each and every one of them fantastic and fresh and inventive and imperative. It's almost inundating. And yet, the music amongst all of their various projects--while it's impossible for there not to be certain similar quirks--is all different and startling and poignant.

Beyond that, it's just straight up good fucking music. To know that their are musicians out there today who are more interested in the music as art, the musical process, and the expansion of their musical forays than the commercial success of that music is refreshing. Upsetting as it is that many, many people will never hear these bands, it's wonderful to know they're out there and to be able to catch them live while they're touring the globe. Here's a clip from one of their earlier records:

Oh! And news: New Wolf Parade record coming out soon! Entitled Expo 86.

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