Thursday, April 8, 2010

Let's Get Cold Together

Memoryhouse is a gleaming hypnagogic pop group hailing out of wonderful Ontario, Canada. Their debut EP The Years, a four song, thirteen minute glacial dream-trek through their bleary landscape of blurred time and warped-fidelity, honey-dripping melodies, is so silencing it makes you want to fall in love with something, anything, and as quickly as possible--the nearest wall. And then maybe break up with it. "Bonfire", a video for a new song from their limited to 500-copy "To The Lighthouse" single, is unmitigatedly (and for some reason heart-chokingly) joyous. You need to love them. With a full length coming out soon--May, if I recall?--be sure to check them out now. Visit their Myspace or go directly to the label,  Arcade Sound, to download their EP, which, like Communist rebels, they've made available for free. There are times when I don't know how I would remain sane without music like this (not the free part, but the shockingly talented part). Oh, and when those tambourines kick in? Feel free to feel wonderfully weightless.

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